With a reputation for being full of deadly creatures, one of Australia’s biggest natural killers is all too often overlooked - the sun.

The Cancer Council will create Australia’s newest species, even bigger than the mighty dropbear: the Scorcheray. An animal with a deadly sting and one single repellent. Sunscreen.

Execution 1: Mock press conference TVC announcing a new species. Authorities still don’t know enough and urge the public to remain vigilant.

Execution 2: Robert Irwin recounts his experience with the Scorcheray on TikTok

Execution 5: Aussie safety card to be included on flights into Australia, teaching people how to be safe around Australia’s deadliest animals.

Execution 3: Scorcheray sighting signs in places people need a reminder.

Execution 4: Scorcheray display in Taronga Zoo, with an empty enclosure. Scorcheray encounters will be available at times where the sun is at it’s most dangerous.

Execution 6: Scorcheray repellent packaging.

Execution 7: School competition to get kids to draw what they think the Scorcheray looks like.

Execution 8: Feature the Scorcheray in a Bluey episode.