Many young, affluent men seek the status and recognition that comes with driving an instantly recognisable car. 

We’ll show a series of scenarios where, despite the distracting and ludicrous things occurring in-frame, the Golf is still always the thing that gets noticed.

We open to two young men sitting and talking between themselves on a bus stop bench

The camera zooms in on the pair. The crocodile has its arm resting on the window. It locks eyes with the two men and gives them a small nod to say hi.

VO: The new 2025 Golf is here. 

        Let’s go for a drive.

SFX: Volkswagen sting

A car pulls up to the traffic lights in front of the bus stop. Robert Irwin is behind the wheel with a crocodile sitting calmly in the passenger seat. 

We cut to a close up of the two men with shocked and dumbfounded faces.
“God James, is that a…is that a Golf?”

Radio 30”

SFX: Sound of a car driving with Kath and Kim’s distinct voices heard.

Kath: OOOHHHH KIMMMM, I love this one, turn it up a little would ya. 

Kim: Geez alright mum, give me a second, this d**khead’s cutting me off. *Leans out of window making
her voice a bit quieter as she yells* “HAVEN’T YOU EVER HEARD OF A QUEUE” 

Kath: Oh I’ll do it myself then

SFX: ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ slowly increases in volume

Kath & Kim: *both singing off key* “It’s a total eclipse of the heartttttt”

Kim: Well what are you little freaks looking at?

Boy: Hey James, is that a… is that a Golf?

Kim: *Scoffs* can’t believe he didn’t notice my new do, this is 3 hours work at Just Cuts, sweetie

Kath: Oh puh-lease

SFX: Sound of window going up

VO: The new 2025 Golf is here. Let’s go for a drive. 

SFX: Volkswagen sting