Whilst the Golf is a practical choice, it is also seen as an indulgent option, with the financial investment and associated prestige making it quickly become an owner’s new pride and joy.
So, we’ll show how the Golf is obsession-worthy and how once driven, owners will start to find any excuse to get behind the wheel.
Radio 30”
Girlfriend: Are you sure you’re happy to drop me at the airport?
Boyfriend: Yeah, totally. It’ll be fine.
Girlfriend: But it’s such a long drive for you! I’d be more than happy to catch a cab.
Boyfriend: No really, it’s fine. I just want to spend some more time together.
Girlfriend: Awww, that’s so sweet!
Boyfriend: Yeah look, I’ve been a bit neglectful lately. It’s been too long since I’ve taken her for a good spin...
There’s a short yet tense pause as she realises what her partner is saying, and then…
Girlfriend: Are you <beeping> kidding me.
Female VO: The new Volkswagen Golf. Any excuse to get behind the wheel.
Let’s go for a drive.
*TVC interview set in the style of ‘The Office’*
SFX: A young boy lets out a loud, drawn-out yawn as he sits at the dining room table.
Young boy, monotone delivery: “It’s been hard since dad got his Golf”
Camera cuts to the dad with a cheesy grin on his face.
Dad with an upbeat tone: “Oh yeah, it’s been great”
The boy dramatically looks out the window
Young boy, same monotone delivery: “My old school only used to take mummy 5 minutes to drive to, but dad just moved me to one an hour away, which means I have to wake up… *sighs*...early”
VO: “Any excuse is a good excuse.
Let’s go for a drive”
SFX: Volkswagen sting